Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Fast workout = effecient workout Your Health, your life, your choice

Man i just had a great workout. It only took 13 minutes. I just chose 4 exercises with rep ranges for each and did 4 rounds for the fastest time i could make. It was very tough, but i worked hard and got a lot done in a little bit of time. And hey that is what makes this exercise thing so simple for anyone. You dont have to workout for 30, or 40, or 6o minutes +. If you will then hey that can be great too, but lets face it, for most of us, we just aint gonna make that happen. It is absolutely true that yes you and me, we could choose to fit 40+ minutes of exercise into our daily routine, but we aint. So no use in beating yourself up about that, just find a better way, a way that provides you with more realistic for you options. This type of short duration, high intensity workout is what I have been doing for years. And this is the exact type of workouts we do here at God-Built. Our workouts at God-Built for our clients are set up for 45 minutes, but not everyone stays the whole time. They choose if they stay for half or the whole workout. Either way they get a great workout and one that they can fit into their schedule. So stop making excuses and just get on it dog'on it. Take 5, 10, or just 15 minutes everyday to "move", to workout and do it consistently. For more info check us out @ www.godbuilt.com. We have a lot of great stuff up and coming set to kick off first of the new year, 2009. YOUR HEALTH, YOUR LIFE, YOUR CHOICE Godbless kj

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I did not want Obama to win - YOUR HEALTH, YOUR LIFE, YOUR CHOICE

Man I wanted Mcain & Palin to win!!!!! I really believed that these 2 were the 2 that God could and would use to get this country back to running strong and to get his statutes and Will done here in this great USA. Well anyway, that aint the way it happened, so what in the world do we do now, this is the question. I'll tell you what we do, what me and my family will be doing anyway. We will support our new president, President Obama. We will lift him up in prayer continually, just like what the Word tells us to do. We will pray, ask, and believe God that He will use President Obama to get His Will done here in this country. We will pray for President Obama and his family for protection, peace, and determination. "God bless President Obama, his family, and his staff. Protect them, lead and direct them. Steer his heart in the direction you want it to go (Proverbs 21, thanks for that reference Danny T and Kendra.) So I am asking everyone else to do the same here. Whether or not you voted for him or not absolutely does not matter now. The only thing that matters now is that we support and pray for our president. We do not have to agree with everything he stands for or whatever, just agree together in The Holy Name of Jesus that God will use him to get His Will done here in this great USA.
One of my great frustrations to see is what we saw for the past several years, absolutely no respect from so many people regarding our great President Bush. Here is someone who may not have made all the right decisions (i dont know if he did or not), but he was still our president. And so many people so quickly forgot about how God used him so magnificently and powerfully following that great trajic day of 9-11. So many people just greatly bashed Pres. Bush. It gaurantee you we would have been amazed at what God could have gotten done thru him, if we would have all rallied around him and lifted him up in prayer, rather than wasting so much stinking time talking negatively about him. Man that just fires me up just thinking about it. So all that to say, I will be darn if I will do that to Pres. Obama. So lift him up and continue to THANK GOD FOR THE HUGE BLESSING OF BEING ABLE TO LIVE IN THIS GREAT COUNTRY, THE USA. YEH BABY. Godbless kj

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Man i love life - your health, your life, your choice

Man i love life. I love my God who has given me life and according to His Word, life more abundantly. And all this, all this peace and joy and security that I have, that I choose to walk in is all thanks to Jesus Christ. He is the King. He is the Way, the Truth, and The Life. Man i love life. I love people and i love to see people enjoying life. One thing that frustrates me and really makes me mad is to see people going thru life not willing to take responsibility, not willing to CHOOSE to take control of their health adn their life. And it is not that i am mad at them, because a lot of times it is not their fought. See many people do not realize that they do have a choice in life. They do have a choice to walk in His blessings. They have a choice and yes they have a responsibility. It is a passion of mine to help empower people. To empower them first to realize they do have choice and they do have a responsibility to take control of their health and their lives. Now of course we can not control everything that happens to us, but absolutely yes we can control how we respond to anything that comes our way in life. No matter where you are adn or what is going on in your health and your life right now, you have a choice to make positive decisions and take immediate positive actions. Like the old saying, "Dont be a victim, be a victor." And hey, thru what Jesus Christ did for you and me, for everyone, we have been made more than conquerors. Thru Him we can overcome anything in life, yes absolutely yes. So no matter what, you can take control, you can start now taking immediate adn positive actions. You do have a responsibility to choose to do the right things concerning your health and your life. IT IS YOUR HEALTH, YOUR LIFE, YOUR CHOICE. Godbless kj

Friday, October 24, 2008

One of the main problems with health plans - your health, your life, your choice

One of the biggest problems for people and health is simply adherence. Most people have and will start a health plan, eating right and exercising. But unfortunately most of them end up quitting and just going back to old habits. Now I realize that it comes down to habits. I heard a wisdom teacher say before, "people do not choose their lives, they choose their habits. Now their habits will choose / decide their lives." Boy this is so true, it takes great habits. And a habit is just something that is done consistently, it is an action that is just part of your life. So the question is how in the world do you change your habits. The question is not what is the best diet, and the best exercise program. Yes these 2 are very important and yes if you are going to start a health plan then you definitely want to do the most effecient things. But remember, the best nutrit. and exercise plan in the world will do you absolutely no good if you do not adhere to it. So again, how in the world can you elevate and or ensure adherence. First of all you have to realize that to improve your health it is going to take HARD WORK. You will have to work hard. Sorry to dissappoint you, but that is just the truth of the matter. If someone tells you otherwise, they are lying to you. Remember, you can have simple and yes you want simple, but simple does not mean easy. One of the ways to increase your adherence is to do what we can call "Renewing your mind, will, and emotions." Your mindset is so key in any area of your life. You are going to have to work on renewing your mind, will, and emotions and gearing these 3 towards proper health. And yes it is a "mindset." There is so much on this issue, but most importantly you need to realize this: God gave you a mind, a will, and emotions. These 3, which as I understand it make up the "soul", are so very powerful for steering you towards improved health and for keeping you consistent; As you learn to control these, you start to take better actions, steps, and you do them long enough to create a habit. You can start taking better steps easily, but if you have not truly renewed your mind will and emotions towards taking control of your health, then when tough times come, and yes they surely will, then your will end up quitting. You must understand that God has enabled you, empowered you, to control your mind, will, and emotions, and also that He expects you to. It is your responsibility to use this to steer your health and life in the right direction. Godbless kj

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"Magic" Diet - your health, your life, your choice

Well guess what? There is no magic diet, but that does not change the fact that everyone is still looking for it. Everyone wants the "easy" fix, the short way out. And this is a whole other issue in and of itself. As far as diets and nutritional habits go, there are some simple steps to taking control of this area of your life. First of all you have to realize that it is a control issue. Who is in control, you or food? That is a serious question that you must honestly answer. ANd just let me make something real clear to you here, if you are not in control of food, then absolutely yes, food is in control of you. Now if you admit this, but still choose to not do anything about it then hey that is totally fine. Like I always say, "your health, your life, your choice." Just make sure you do take responsibility for your actions, and lack of willingness to change. On the other hand if you do realize that you are letting food control you and you want to get control then just to make this realization is a big step. Next you simply (notice simple usually does not mean easy) have to choose to take control of food by first making that declaration with your words. Also it will be important to continually say and think to yourself that "hey, I am in control of food. I will not let food control me. I may not be perfect, but I will make positive strides by making better and better choices." Of course there is more to this but that would have to be covered later. Next the simplest thing you can do as far as what to eat, what not to eat is this: JUST DO WHAT YOU ALREADY KNOW YOU SHOULD BE DOING. Don't worry about learning a whole bunch of new stuff, complex diets, counting calories, etc. Just apply in your daily routine a few of the good nutritional habits that you already know you should be doing. Gradually add in 1 or 2 new ones each week and just choose to make it your life now. There is more but to apply these couple of things could really change your health, your life. Get on it dog'on it. Godbless kj

Thursday, October 9, 2008

ACTION - NOW your health, your life, your choice

One very important thing that you must understand is that "there is no better time than the present." We hear that a lot, so much that we probably underestimate the power and the reality of that statement.
I have found that many people are waiting for the "perfect" situation, time, plan before they get started on improving their health and or life. Well guess what, it ain't going to happen. And as long as anyone has this attitude, they will never get to where they want to be in their health and life, because they will always be "waiting." You just have to take action, and take it now. Its what we call "immediate action." Dont worry about having the perfect workout plan, the exact diet plan, etc. Just start now. Hear is a truth for you: If you, and everyone else in the world of age, would just apply the few simple things that you already know that you should be doing, you could change your life. And that is a fact jack. So stop waiting(and yes I am talking to myself too), and get to doing something right now. Remember, it is YOUR HEALTH, YOUR LIFE, YOUR CHOICE. Remember that God did design you to "prosper and be in health." It is His desire for you to overcome in life, to be succeed. Yes you will have adversity, but really, who cares. Just realize who you are in Christ, and choose to walk that out everyday, no matter what you feel like. Now I'm getting excited hear. I really do care about you, and about your life. But not because of anything other than that is what God has given me a passion for, a passion to empower people to take control of their health and their life. But first you have to realize who He is, and what He did for you. God's desire, remember He is a good Father, is to see you succeed, overcome in life. Realize it, and then just take responsibility. And oh take that responsibility, RIGHT NOW!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


You know, it really is very simple, taking care of your health that is. If you want to improve your health there are 2 main components that play a vital role, exercise and nutrition. Now I believe that in order to get anyone to make taking care of their health a lifelong purpose and focus, there are many factors that come in to play. But for now lets just get down to the bottom line of exercise and nutrition. Let me make this bold and profound statement, " There is no shortcut. There are no magic formulas or pills." And anyone who tells you otherwise is simply blowing smoke up your hinee(my wife won't let me say butt since we have a little boy now, yeh and another on the way). Yes, when it all boils down, it just takes good ole CONSISTENT HARD WORK. Notice that i didnt just say hard work, I said Consistent hard work. One thing I have found is that anyone can work hard for a little while, but it is the one who can work hard consistently, and never ever giving up until they get what they want. So you have to ask yourself basically, do I want to be healthier, and do i want it bad enough. Everyone says they want to, but actions will always prove out what you truly want in life. It is YOUR HEALTH, YOUR LIFE, YOUR CHOICE. You have to choose to start taking positive exercise and nutrition action, and choose to make it a life thing. And also you need to realize that yes, your health is your responsibility, no one else's , yours. So get on it dog'on it. Godbless kj