Thursday, September 25, 2008

Adversity - Your health, your life, your choice

One thing I have discovered in life is that everyone faces challenges. Challenges come at you no matter who you are or what you are doing. I know sometimes we tend to look at those who are successful and think that they have it easy and that they do not face challenges. It has been my experience that it is just the opposite. The further you want to go in life, the more challenges you will face. The main difference is that successful people just learn, by choice, how to handle those challenges with the right attitude. See, they have "renewed their mind" towards life, towards adversity / challenges, and have made a choice to face those things head on and to accept nothing less than victory. So remember, no matter what you choose to go after in life, you will face adversity. But the way I look at it is, "so what!" If I want to get stronger and more physically fit, hey it's going to hurt, but so what. It is just part of the game, and if I, you, want to win, we have to be willing to "pay the price." Yeh baby. Get on it dog'on it!! YOUR HEALTH, YOUR LIFE, YOUR CHOICE, Godbless kj

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