Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My passion - your health, your life, your choice

I did an interview yesterday with a great guy, Lyle Johnson w/ MVP Fitness. We were talking about health and the right way to approach health. One thing that came up during the interview was "my passion." I got to talking about what my passion is. My passion, what God designed me to do, is to help people, to encourage, motivate, empower, and inspire people. I just love to help people. I love to see people succeed in their health and their life. I love to see people stop making excuses and start taking control of their health and their life. I have come a long ways in life, and boy have I got a long ways to go. My journey has been so much fun. Yes I have had many set backs, heartaches, depressing times, all that. But in the midst of it all I have chosen to realize that God, thru His Son Jesus Christ, has empowered me to win, to conquer in life. He has given me everything I need to overcome in life, to go thru trials and come out better than ever. Life aint fair, but that is okay, because God has designed me and you to be powerful forces in this world, overcomers, more than conquerors. And I know He is rooting for me and you, cheering us on, and one of His deepest desires is to have us to know Him thru His Son, and to walk in His Kingdom ways, prospering in our health and our lives. Yeh Baby. We get to, so Get on it dog'on it. Your Health, your life, your choice Godbless kj

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